Vera's Room (3rd iteration), Slought Foundation, Philadelphia, USA, 2005
Sent from London to Slought for assembly, including diagrams for the making of the kaolin Cones according to my notebook: Mode d’Emploi.
A fairly large crate: full of objects made and found, anecdotes, and aide-memoires; adjunct to a nomadic life - ready to be taken out, arranged, re recomposed/re performed always and everywhere - affirming personal experiences, and, connectivity with the experience of others.
Elements details:
Vera’s room is a generic room [life] space containing: found objects, some furniture, handmade objects of paper and kaolin, and an (invisible) repetitive sound recording. On the table is a copy of a ‘Refusal of Entry’ (No Right of Appeal) document.
All the elements are unified by the whiteish colour of the kaolin being an off - white matter, and, through the ambient sound (recording).
It is of variable dimensions - and for the instructions to construct the Vera’s Room installation - see my notebook: Mode d’ Emploi, created on occasion of the exhibition at Slought Foundation, Philadelphia.
The Slought presentation of Vera’s Room installation was given in collaboration with Helene Cixous. The exhibition, and the event of Helene’s talk Ex-Cities was published as a book by Slought Foundation Contemporary Arts, images by Maria Chevska.
In association with the launch of a monograph (Vera’s Room, The Art of Maria Chevska) published by Black Dog Publishing in 2005, including the K-Notebook with a text by Helene Cixous.